
We have achieved a lot

Now in cattery we have seven World Champions, cats which have won many titles and other achievements. With colleagues we was founding International Feline Association "ALPHA CATUM". We organizing cat shows, educating the public so that people understand not only the needs of cats, but also realize the importance of the animal in all our daily lives. We working together with other organizations that, like ours, strive for respect for nature and care for the quality of life of pet animals. Most important thing for me is that more and more people are getting acquainted with oriental cats and fall in love these cats. At the May 2021 I started judge student in WCF.


The Best catteries cats

Kasandra BY*Eastern Nymph BEST of BREED SIA & BEST Adult of Breed SIA;

BaldEra*LT BRAVO BEST Adult Opposite sex of Breed SIA;

BaldEra*LT PENELOPE BEST JUNIOR Opposite sex of Breed OSH;

BaldEra*LT CAESAR BEST Adult of Breed PBD;


Our First World Champion

Peterbald male cat Magic Bald Era del Iris became the first World Champion in cattery BaldEra


Start of breeding cats

We bought our first peterbald cat Era in 2007. We started participating in the cat shows and when we first saw oriental/siamese cats, we were fascinated by this breed so much that our cats family has grown bigger and bigger